Friday, August 05, 2005

I am the geekiest geek who ever geeked.

In my spare time, I loiter around on a comic book message board. A couple days ago, someone posted a link to this Nerd Test. I took it because, you know, I'm a huge nerd. According to the test, about 64.28571428571429% nerd, in fact. Now, by itself, without context, this doesn't mean anything. But here's the context: On a comic book message board, I scored higher than anyone else. On a comic book message board! That's not good. I mean, sure I would expect to get the highest score in the office. Maybe I would get the highest score amongst friends. But on a comic book message board? That's like being picked out as the wussiest guy on the badminton team. If you can't be relatively cool there, you're pretty much screwed.

Thursday, August 04, 2005


Today at work, I sent some CD-ROMs to a company called TrialGraphix. Now I have to ask, if you're going to spell graphics with an x, why not swap out the ph for an f? Or even better, two f's. I mean, if you're going to take that road, why not follow it to its logical conclusion? TrylGraffix! TO THE EXTREME!