Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Free Books For Everybody!


As part of the great bookshelf cleansing of aught-six, I have a large number of books that need to move to better homes. I have decided that, instead of giving them to goodwill or trying to sell them, that I will set them free as a member of Book Crossing.

Basically what this involves is registering each book with the website and receiving a Book Crossing ID number. I print out a label and write that number on it and put it on the book. Then I just drop it off somewhere like on Bart or at a Starbucks or something and hopefully, somebody else will pick it up and read it. They can register it with the site, to keep track of where it's been. Then, once they're done reading it, or if they decide that they don't like it, hopefully, they will also release it somewhere to be found by someone else.

Of course, wild releases aren't the only way to pass a book along. So I'm offering to you, the ten people who read this, the opportunity to pick whatever book(s) that I've registered that you might like to read. The list is here: Bob's Bookshelf. As it says, anything in the "Available" category is up for grabs for anybody. Anything in the "Permanent Collection" category is available for loan, if I have some sort of relationship with the requester.

It's mostly science fiction paperbacks with some comics and mystery/thriller novels thrown in for good measure.

Just send me an e-mail at r_a_chang@hotmail.com with the book you would like to receive and an address that I can mail it to. All I ask is that if I send you a book, that you register it and pass it on when you are done.

Books rule!


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