Physics for Dummies
DC's Infinite Crisis miniseries/event is really pushing the limits of common sense.

Okay, forget for a second that the heroes are fighting a giant yellow hand that's picking up planets and smashing them together in order to create a perfect world. That's just an average day in super hero comics. What drives me insane is this whole "raw positive matter" attack that they're using. If Alexander Luthor (the owner of the giant yellow hands) is made of antimatter and vulnerable to positive matter, couldn't they defeat him by pelting him with rocks, or staplers, or pretty much anything that isn't antimatter? And furthermore, how is he picking up planets without exploding?
I know that it's just one goofy element amongst many, but I just couldn't get past it. Raw positive matter. Jesus. It would be like if your mortal weakness was the color yellow.
Oh, wait...
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