I'm back
I finally have my life back. The California Bar exam is over. It went as well as could be expected, I suppose.
Anyway, back to the geekiness.
Some day, when Anne and I have our dream home built, I'm going to be calling these guys. I might go with the classic secret bookshelf door that opens when you tug on a book. And you can never go wrong with the rotating fireplace, of course. Or maybe I'll go all out and get a table the rises up from the floor when you tug on a candlestick, like in Spidey and his Amazing Friends! How bad ass is that? Plus, it's always been a dream of mine to have something that either rises up from the floor or descends from the ceiling. Okay, as dreams go, it may not be very inspiring, but what can I say? I'm easily amused.
Case in point:
I know that you're all losing sleep over the question, "What would Bob look like if he were a Jedi knight?" Well, at long last, here's your answer. It's like looking in the mirror, if I had a lightsaber and brown bathrobe.

It's an avatar for an online message board that I frequent that was made for me by another member. xyzzy is a login that I often use. In my experience, it has a much higher likelihood of being available than "Bob" and I'm morally opposed to having any numbers in a name, like bob1975 or something like that. It's just not aesthetically pleasing.
Unfortunately, I don't have a lightsaber and my bathrobe is red. I guess I could be one of those imperial guard guys, but that's just not quite as cool.
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