Friday, August 05, 2005

I am the geekiest geek who ever geeked.

In my spare time, I loiter around on a comic book message board. A couple days ago, someone posted a link to this Nerd Test. I took it because, you know, I'm a huge nerd. According to the test, about 64.28571428571429% nerd, in fact. Now, by itself, without context, this doesn't mean anything. But here's the context: On a comic book message board, I scored higher than anyone else. On a comic book message board! That's not good. I mean, sure I would expect to get the highest score in the office. Maybe I would get the highest score amongst friends. But on a comic book message board? That's like being picked out as the wussiest guy on the badminton team. If you can't be relatively cool there, you're pretty much screwed.


At 3:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, you are a Nerd.

I only clocked 52.38095238095238%

At 6:04 PM, Blogger Bob said...

Yeah, it's more than a little disturbing.


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