Be a man and read your children's book!
As I was riding BART into work today, I noticed that this one guy was reading the new Harry Potter book. This, in of itself, is fine. but he's swapped out the Harry Potter dust jacket for the one from David Weber's War of Honor. Now, there are two very sad things about this. First, that this guy is apparently ashamed that he's reading a Harry Potter book. Now, I don't know the numbers, but I'm sure that there are a lot of other adults reading this book. I've seen several, myself and I'm also included in that number. And even if that wasn't the case, who cares? The second sad thing is that this guy apparently thinks that War of Honor has more BART cachet or something.

Now, if anything, reading this book is far geekier than reading any Harry Potter book, which are pretty mainstream. I mean, I like the Honor Harrington series as much as the next geek, but spaceships aren't any better than wizards if you're afraid of looking geeky or immature. So, I have no idea what this guy thought he was accomplishing. It would be like hiding your copy of Maxim magazine behind a copy of Hustler.
Anyway, it made me sad. So, Harry Potter readers out there, just read your book. Nobody cares. Nobody is looking at you and making judgments. Except for me.
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