Monday, June 13, 2005


So we had some guests over for dinner (Vietnamese takeout) and games (Transamerica) and it was very nice. Meeting a couple neighbors and their friend is always nice.

It was somewhat unfortunate that one of our guests harbored a secret hatred of all things board game related. Apaprently, her father had worked for Hasbro/Parker Brothers and she and her siblings had been forced to test prototypes and new editions of games and such. Understandably, this has left her a bit soured on the idea of playing such a game for fun. Nevertheless, she played and claimed to enjoy Transamerica.

When she was telling us about her board game history, however, she told us that she and her siblings had to write Trivial Pursuit questions as well. Anne's response to this was something to the effect of, "Well, that figures!" And not in a jokey way, either. She was essentially saying, "Well, no wonder that horrible game has such shitty questions. It makes sense that a bunch of kids wrote that crap." Which is a sentiment that I kind of agree with, but maybe not enough to say it to a person the first time I met them. It was fine, though, because everyone laughed and they probably didn't think anything of it. I doubt anyone besides Anne and myself even remember that particular part of the evening. Well, Anne, myself and anyone who happens to read this, anyway. Anne's embarssing moment immortalized forever in blog form.


At 12:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great. Thanks for sharing my embarrassing moment....For the record, my exact words were, "Well, no wonder!"


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