Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I've got it! Wait... No, I don't.

The company softball team went down in defeat again last night. I did not have the fortune of playing with them this time, as I had to go to class, but I understand that they did much better than the time I played, a couple weeks ago.

In the game I played in, the score was 1 to 3o+. Both teams stopped counting after they passed 20 or so. And that was in just 3 innings. That's 3 minutes at bat and then 35 minutes of fielding, just praying that they would hit the ball directly into somebody's glove.

I hear that they've improved. In the last game, we scored 4 runs and the other team only got 21. The umpire told our guys that we need to practice more. It's tough when even the impartial official tells you that you suck.

It was the final game of the season and our records stands at 1-8. And before you get too excited, the win is the result of the other team forfeiting because they only had 7 players. Little did they know that they could have easily won anyway.

In addition to the losing, which is mildly embarassing, we've also had several injuries. One guy tore his quad and will probably need surgery. Two other guys are on crutches, too. One from a severe sprain and the other from some sort of minor break. Hell, I was sore from standing around in a field for 2 hours. It's sad, really.

On an unrelated note, check out this site. Basically, an artist takes children's drawings and then fleshes them out. It's really quite cool.


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