Last week the vending machine in my office transformed from a benevolent dispenser of snacks into a cruel psychological experiment. The bottom shelf (the thin one that holds gum and Lifesavers and the like) somehow slid out so that it was blocking most of the drop slot area.
The machine frequently refuses to relinquish it's snacky goodness even after money has been deposited. That's when I get called in. Seriously. People ask me to free their snacks because I'm not afraid of this little warning.

That little dude is screwed. Regardless, I don't let it scare me and get a really good back and forth rocking motion going. It's possible that this abuse is what led to the shelf coming lose and causing the aforementioned transformation.
So, with the shelf out, whenever anybody bought a snack, assuming that it actually fell down, it got caught by the shelf. The first person to do this probably does not notice the problem and is upset when the snack lands on the obstruction. Maybe the second person also doesn't notice. But one morning I came in there were 4 bags of chips sitting on the shelf. At some point, people had to realize that they, in all likelihood, weren't going to get the snacks that they were paying for. But when you're in the office after hours, there aren't a lot of places to buy food. So it becomes a study in desperation.
One person told me that they put their money in, knowing full well that it wasn't going to work, but they were so hungry that they had to give it a shot. I wonder if people were just trying to build up a big enough of a pile that one bag was forced to fall out of the machine. Another coworker bought Pop-tarts because the compact packaging gave it a much better chance of slipping through than a bag of Lays. On occasion, I would walk into the kitchen area and just see someone standing at the machine, staring at it. I could tell that they were planning their strategy, somehow trying to rationalize how they weren't just throwing their money away.
So, in the end, even if it was my abuse that caused the shelf to pop out, I don't really feel too bad. The whole thing really was quite fascinating to watch. I just wish I could get my 85 cents back.