Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Lasers are cool!

The other night, my friend Will and I played a board game called Deflexion. Basically, you each have a laser and you take turns moving various mirror pieces around the board in an effort to hit your opponent's king. And it's not subtle about the laser component. Right on the side of the box in big red letters it says "The LASER game!" Now that's marketing. Fortunately, it's not just a gimick and the game actually plays pretty well.

C'mon. You know that looks cool. Too bad it doesn't come with a smoke machine.

And while it's not quite a laser, this is almost cool enough to make me want a bicycle.

It's a programable LED spoke that can make whatever image you want appear on your wheels as you ride. It would almost be worth exercising to show off this kind of bling.


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